So, my obsession with "Sherlock" sent me off to the library on Saturday afternoon in pursuit of of A Study in Scarlet and the other Sherlock Holmes books, and I finished it in one sitting. Well... maybe two or three, but certainly over the course of the afternoon and evening. I must say, while I enjoyed it, it wasn't exactly as riveting as the TV series. I'm still trying to figure out what it is about some of the great classics, like Sherlock Holmes or some of Dickens' works that makes them so enduring and yet at the same time sometimes so DULL. I think it might be the writing style. I think it MUST be the writing because the STORIES are good, and I appreciate the skill of the writer, and yet I still sit there wondering why I'm not glued to them. Anyhow, Study in Scarlet was definitely a good read, though most of my pleasure did derive from bouncing up and down at things I recognized because they had made it into "A Study in Pink". Actually, on second thoughts, perhaps I DO have some idea as to why so many novels of a similar period exasperate me. Part of it is the extreme contortions that plots are forced through which may have had been slightly less contrived then, but are WILDLY impossible now under any circumstance. But then, Jane Austin does that sometimes too, and it has yet to be a problem. SOOOOO... maybe not.
Back to Sherlock. It was absolutely delightful to see how many of Sherlock's mannerisms are STRAIGHT from the pen of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself. Not going to lie, I did a fair bit of bouncing up and down and internal flailing. It's probably just as well that I did most of my reading in places other than the train... because I'm sure people would have been rather confused if I started squealing and bouncing up and down on the train... Really, he's very nearly straight out of the book. He's quite tall, ridiculously skinny, and does things like sit staring at the ceiling with his hands under his chin and the like. (Not to mention the three patch/pipe problems.) So yes, yes, maybe I'm more than just a little bit obsessed, but in my defense, the man is a genius, and brilliance is more than rather attractive, I find. (Of course, Sherlock in real life would be incredibly irritating, I'm sure, but he's NOT real, so I'm going to allow myself to admire him from a distance.)
Anyway, so there I was at the library, hunting down the Sherlock books, and apparently I was SO engrossed in my search that I put my keys down and forgot to pick them up. I'm not normally THAT scatterbrained. Fortunately, it's a library. There's a lost and found, and so I got them back.
Among the other random bits of randomness, I have recently realized that I have developed a fondness of Lavender lately. It reminds me of warm summer days at my grandmother's house in Oregon because she had a huge bush of it by her garage, and there were sprigs of it around the house.
I've got to say, Lavender and Roses would have to be my favorite flowers. Boring and traditional, I know but that would be me, all over. But in my defense, they smell very nice. :D If I ever have a house where I can have my own garden, I'm definitely planting roses, lavender and honeysuckle.
And now for one last bit of randomness, I WIN AGAIN! I just bought every single one of the books for one of my classes for forty dollars. Amazon is the best.
Next up, Reviews of Within Temptation's The Unforgiven, and Epica's Design Your Universe.
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